Fly Fishing MASTER-CLASS: Fly Fishing Alberta's Ram River Canyon

Cutthroat trout are gorgeous, sensitive trout that thrive in…

Fly Fishing Alberta's Ram River Canyon

Alberta's Ram River is close to our hearts. The river Dave grew…

Rocky Mountain Trout Stream

The Rocky Mountain West has thousands of miles of trout streams,…

Small Stream Brown Trout Fly Fishing

We head out over 2 days to fly fish a favorite brown trout stream.…

Summer Grasshoppers

Late summer, low & clear water, and grasshoppers. What better…

Alberta's Ram River - A Passionate Discussion.

Most social media followers only see the "Rah Rah" side of what…

How & Where To Find Trout In A Low Population Trout Stream

In this video we set out on a low population cutthroat trout…

One Day Expedition into cutthroat and grizzly country.

Cutthroat trout live in beautiful locations. On this day we took…

Sight-Fishing Rainbow Trout (Fly Fishing in Alberta)

Visit our website to join our online Fly Fishing Courses!…

Rising Rainbow Trout on Dry Flies

Bad weather is a recipe for mayflies. When a major, late season…

Fly Fishing Rising Brown Trout On FLAT Water

In this video we head out in tough conditions to find rising…

Fly Fishing Hatches: Spring Blue-Winged Olives Part 2

Fly fishing hatches and targeting rising trout is what separates…

Brown Trout Stream Tactics

Brown trout in a small stream lined with downed trees and other…

Sight-Fishing & Dry Fly Fishing in a TINY SPRING CREEK

We travel to fly fish brown trout in our favorite, tiny spring…

Cutthroat Trout Fly Fishing in GORGEOUS mountain water.

This video features a gorgeous day fly fishing dry flies and…

Sight-Fishing A BIG BULL TROUT - Fly fishing in Alberta

Fly fishing with dry flies or sighting trout before you cast…

Northern Ontario Trophies - Pike

Mark Melnyk and Rob Heal are LIVE talking tactics for cruising…

Stunning Dry Fly Fishing at the Peak of Summer in Alberta

Cutthroat trout, dry flies and the peak of summer go together…

High Country Cutthroat Trout

Our home province of Alberta, Canada is home to wonderful cutthroat…

Late Winter Nymphing TACTICS & Dry Fly Fishing (Nymphing & Dry Fly Fishing) - Fly Fish Alberta

Late winter - early spring fly fishing can be challenging when…

Triploiding Trout, Alberta Westslope Cutthroat Trout Recovery & Broodstock Genetics

We share a 3 short video set for the Government of Alberta Trout…