Status Greenland 2021 - Part II
How did the fly fishing in a 2021 pandemic year in Greenland perform? Thomas Søbirk and Getaway Fly Fishing just published their Part Two annual report from the southwest of Greenland
Status Greenland 2021 - PART I
How did the fly fishing in a 2021 pandemic year in Greenland perform? Thomas Søbirk and Getaway Fly Fishing just published their annual report from the southwest of Greenland
Greenland - Fly Fishing on Top of the World
Erfalik and Camp North both operated by delivers breaking new ground in search for the next big adventure.This could well be the next dream destination.
Kangia River - Fjeldørred på Grønland
Dette var tæt på at blive en historie om ikke indfriede forventinger. Så…