Micro Hare's Ear

-- Subscribe for more tutorials and gear reviews: http://goo.gl/rk1v29 Buy…

Antonio's BWO Emerger

Material List: https://www.flyfishfood.com/blogs/dry-fly-tutorials/antonios-bwo-emerger Another…

Antonio's Adult BWO

Material List: https://www.flyfishfood.com/blogs/dry-fly-tutorials/antonios-adult-bwo Whether…

Silver Bullet Baetis: A Hatch Matching EURO Nymph

Material List: https://www.flyfishfood.com/blogs/euro-nymph-tutorials/silver-bullet-baetis --…

Dirty Yellow Mayfly

This bushy top dropper can be very effective around mayfly time,…

Grey Rollover Mayfly

Patsy Deery's Rollover Mayfly is a great choice for blowy days…

Hummingbird Mayfly

This fly was tyed just for a bit of fun and for my daughter.. Materials…

Shadow Mayfly

Peter Deane's Shadow Mayfly was devised for the large mayfly…

Golden Brown

Shaded organza fibres tied in along the side of the thorax give…

Dubbing Emerger - EASY Nymph Pattern

See the material list HERE: https://www.flyfishfood.com/2020/05/tale-of-two-baetis-patterns.html See…

Standard Baetis Nymph

See the material list HERE: https://www.flyfishfood.com/2020/05/tale-of-two-baetis-patterns.html This…

Muddler Mayfly

A little variant of an Al Beatty pattern with quite a few good…

Wooly Baetis - Blue Winged Olive NYMPH

See the materials for this fly: https://www.flyfishfood.com/2020/04/wooly-baetis.html If…

Tying a Rollover MayFly (Irish Lough Style Dry Fly)

A great Mayfly from Patsy Deery to have on your mayfly trip.The…

Bead Head Barr Emerger

Material List Here: https://www.flyfishfood.com/2020/03/bead-head-barr-emerger.html The…

Micro Mayfly

Micro Mayfly Blog-Post & Recipe: https://blog.avidmax.com/2019/12/17/how-to-tie-the-micro-mayfly/ In…

Reversed Parachute Mayfly

A reversed parachute mayfly tied on a swimming nymph hook, that…

Soft Hackle Pheasant Tail NYMPH

We take a classic fly pattern -- the pheasant tail nymph and…