The Turkey Tail

Snap, rigs and wires

Matuka Flies


End of the dry fly season
The Anatomy of Hooks - AHREX
New Zealand - A Fly Fishing dream come true

GORE-TEX - Hvorfor er det at foretrække?

Netop i denne tid - hvor sommeren er på held og efteråret og…
Lee Wulff

A video tribute to Lee Wulff

A unique and historical footage where Lee Wulff is tying flies with his bare hands - without a vice. Filmed by Poul Jorgensen as a tribut to Lee Wulff

Status Greenland 2021 - Part II

How did the fly fishing in a 2021 pandemic year in Greenland perform? Thomas Søbirk and Getaway Fly Fishing just published their Part Two annual report from the southwest of Greenland
Greenland 2021

Status Greenland 2021 - PART I

How did the fly fishing in a 2021 pandemic year in Greenland perform? Thomas Søbirk and Getaway Fly Fishing just published their annual report from the southwest of Greenland
Michael L. Hansen

Fire simple - og sikre sensommer tørfluer

August og september måned kan byde på rigtig godt fiskeri…

Coastal Mackerel - Tactics and Flies for “Mini Tuna”.

Fly fishing for mackerel - the northeuropean saltwater bonefish. Right now right here..
Taylor Enigma

Taylor Enigma 2.0

Taylor Enigma 2.0 er Taylor Reels nye fluehjuls serie. Og der er kvalitet for pengene.

Mongolia: The Last Refuge of the “River Wolf”

One of the last frontiers out there - and what a one! Remote as it gets the fly fishing gets better..
Fluefiskeri efter Redfish - FloridaGordon P. Henriksen

Redfish - når fluefiskeren ser rødt

Fisk med egenskaber vi drømmer om... Hvad er en perfekt fluefisk?…

EcoCutter - Innovativ lineklipper med indbygget god samvittighed

Hvad the f... er en EcoCutter? Det lyder som noget til et par…

Greenland - Fly Fishing on Top of the World

Erfalik and Camp North both operated by delivers breaking new ground in search for the next big adventure.This could well be the next dream destination.