Indlæg af Vaidas Uselis

ATV Ride - Ukmergė

Jei dar nemėginote šauniai praleisti laisvalaikio pasivažinėdami…

Fishing with Rod: Sea trout in Denmark (Havørred fiskeri i Danmark)

For more fishing video, please visit:! After…

Time Lapse Ukmerge

Ukmergė, Lithuania. Dėmesio, visos teisės saugomos.…

Fishing in Mongolia with FishYourDream 2012

Shots from fly fishing in Monglia for Taimen and Lenok trout.…

Lasisa 114 cm.f4v

Lašišos laisvė

Pagavau - paleidau :)


funny water jump fail Compilation

I thought I will make a little video compilation from clips that…

The greatest challenge - Protect our waters

This is a short edit illustrating spawning migration of salmon…


GoPro Dive flat lens housing side by side comparison with standard waterproof housing

This is a side by side comparison that shows the dive / flat…

M.Juškauskas, Lietuvos rekordas 6 metai iki ATP bylos nutraukimo nesant pažeidimo įvykio.

Lietuvos rekordų knyga, Milvydas Juškauskas, 2017-07 įregistruotas…

Four rainy days in norway

A short trip to norways fjorde.incredible flyfishing for mackerel,…

So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish - A salmon fishing story

For english subtitles just enable in the player. Ted Logart…

Salmon fishing in Iceland with underwater camera

salmon fishing. underwater camera sees sveral salmon taking the…

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