Indlæg af The Feather Bender

Copper Nymph

Bibio & Jungle Bibio

Caddis Pupa

Another good simple pattern that is quick & easy to tie.…

Adams Irresistible

The most popular dry fly in the world with a spun deer hair body!…

Deer hair daddy long legs

During late summer & autumn large numbers of crane flies…

Fly Tying Sinfoil's Fry

One of the early British still water patterns created by Ken…

The Grass carp salad

A very quick and easy, effective dry fly pattern for plant eating…

CDC Emerger

A very simple but yet effective, all CDC emerger that uses a…

Fly Tying a Wood Duck nymph with Barry Ord Clarke

A nice little nymph made from one wood duck flank feather. The…

Black Martinez

One of the first nymphs I ever tied and fished with. Although…