Sweet Pea
How to tie an Easy Articulated Streamer l Rusty Trombone I Fly Tying
Fly Tying a Purple Haze - Classic American Fly Pattern
Andy Carlson, a guide on the Bitterroot River in Montana came…
Fly Tying: Galloup's Silk Kitty
Rata o Raton Instrucciones de atado de moscas x Ruben Martin
Fly Fishing For the BIGGEST TROUT in The World!
Fly Fishing for the big trout in a system that contains the biggest…
Brassie Fly Tying Tutorial
Temple Fork Outfitters with Rick Pope - TFO Rods, Lefty Kreh, Cosmic Cowboys
Rick Pope, the founder of Temple Fork Outfitters, is on the podcast to share the history of TFO rods and the impacts to the fly fishing industry. We hear how Lefty Kreh was instrumental in elevating the company and how it all came to be.
Cat's Whisker Cormorant
Hook: Hanak H 230 BL #10 Thread: Veevus E15 Bright Green Body:…
The Most Effective Midge
Aborre - Jagten på et pragteksemplar
Hård vind og drivende efterårsskyer banker ind over Mossø…
The Venturing Angler Podcast: Traveling to Buenos Aires and Beyond with LOL Argentina
Buenos Aires is an exciting city and a frequent stop for anglers en...
Otto's Dragon - Fly Tying a Hairwing Streamer
Designed in September 2020, and named for Otto Julian, Otto's…
Upavon Fly Fishing Compact Tying Station (Review after six months)
This is a short review of the Upavon Compact Tying Station, exclusive…
Miller Nymph - Fly Tying Appalachian/Great Smoky Mountain Trout Patterns
Another pattern from Pat Proffitt of Sevier County, Tennessee,…
Snowshoe Tips and Tricks (Part 2)
Fly Fishing The Gacka River In Croatia
In this video we have a look at the wonderful trout and grayling…