All About Floating Lines, with Josh Jenkins
This week I interview Josh Jenkins, Research and Development manager for Scientific Anglers, and who, along with his crew, is responsible for all the cool new technology in fly lines. Floating lines are confusing because there are so many options, so...
Top Ten Bonefish Fly Patterns
The humble bonefish remains one of the most popular targets for…
Tying the Top Secret Midge Pat Dorsey Fly Pattern - EP 157 PF #PiscatorFlies
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Whip Finish Tool Instructions | Easy Fly Tying Whip Finish Demo
A quick explanation of how to use a whip finishing tool. Whip…
FLY TYING - craft fur baitfish - TUTORIAL
Today we´re tying up a "cf baitfish".. Super versatile pattern…
Flytying: Kleiner Willi
Nymph for trout and grayling
AHREX - Furled Damsel
Big fish often need big baits - and damsels can often do the…