Fly Tying Flying Ant | Hackles & Wings

Hackles & Wings Fly Tying videos! Today we are going to tie…

Kreelex Fly variation by Fly Fish Food

A flashy kreelex fly variation that works great as an attractor…

Beginner Fly Tying a Beadhead Beatis with Jim Misiura

Hook: Scud #16 - #18 Bead: 2.3 MM Silver Thread: Brown Tail:…

Glacier King - Fly fishing for king salmon

My good friend Patrik Lagerlöf recently went to Argentina for…

Kaleidoscope Midge

Detailed instructions for tying a Kaleidoscope Midge.

Deer Hair Techniques VIII

This video is about Deer Hair Techniques VIII

Deer Hair Techniques VI

This video is about Deer Hair Techniques VI

Deer Hair Techniques V

This video is about Deer Hair Techniques V

Deer Hair Techniques IV

This video is about Deer Hair Techniques IV

Deer Hair Techniques III

This video is about Deer Hair Techniques III

Deer Hair Techniques II

This video is about Deer Hair Techniques II

Deer Hair Techniques I

This video is about Deer Hair Techniques I

Kaleidoscope Midge

Fly Tying Cdc X-Caddis | Hackles & Wings

Hackles & Wings Fly Tying videos! Today we are going to tie…

Fly fishing New Zealand - 'CHASING RAINBOWS'

Fly fishing New Zealand - 'CHASING RAINBOWS' An invitation to…

Realistic Grasshopper

Hook: Curved Shank Terrestrial #12 Thread: Red Body: FrostyFly…

Ep. 30: John McMillan on Steelhead Biology (Part 1)

John McMillan has devoted his entire life to the protection of the West Coast’s wild steelhead stocks. John has lead multiple conservation projects, and he’s not showing any signs of slowing down any time soon.  In this episode of Anchored, I meet w

Fly tying a Hendrickson Nymph

Hook: 12-14 Bead: black, sized to hook Thread: black, or any…

Classic Nymph Pattern Materials Used; Hook, Size 14…

Stuck in it's Shuck Caddis

Hook: Std Dry #12 - # 18 Thread: Tan Shuck: Olive / Brown Poly…

Surf candy streamer fly tying instructions by Ruben Martin

Saltwater fly tying - Surf candy fly streamer Bob Popovics who…