Salmon fishing in Iceland with underwater camera

salmon fishing. underwater camera sees sveral salmon taking the…

Fly Tying with Hans- Barr's Tungteaser Nymph

For materials visit our Webstore: Barr's…

Rekviem upėtakiam

kada tie murziai prirys... ir pasprings

Ultralite CLS Reels - Introduced by Howard Croston

Howard Croston introduces the latest Hardy Fly Reel - this new…

The flyfishing of the Lithuanian river Minija fish Part 2

I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (

Deer rut, Elnių ruja, (Aplankykite mūsų svetainę, rasite…

2 elniai 1 šūviu

Du elniai vienu šūviu. Taurusis elnias -
Gacka - Europas fornemste Spring CreekRene Palmer

Gacka - Europas fornemste Spring Creek!

Første gang jeg læste om Gacka var i slutningen af 80'erne…

Unguriu medziokle II (Eel spearfishing part II, Lithuania)

Unguriu medziokle II (Eel spearfishing part II) www.neriam.l…

Meandra 2

gal tai prieš paskutinio ledynmečio strepetys(Leuciscus leuciscus),…

Winter in Swedish lapland Dogsledding (long version)

A normal day at!

roebuck hunting 1.mpg

pasisedejimas 2010 05 28 , beaver and awesome bock... ziauriai…

Patagonic Waters - IF4 Media Sponsor - South American Leg

Patagonic Waters:


A short advert we were commissioned to make for fly tier Stu…

Fly Tying with Hans Hans' Cricket

For materials visit our Webstore: Cricket…