Tom Rosenbauer on the Bleeding Edge - Ssn. 5, Ep. 7

Orvis' Tom Rosenbauer on the company, its corporate culture, and all those dog beds...

Tragedy to Success with Tim Boyle - Ssn. 5, Ep. 6

Columbia Sportswear CEO Tim Boyle on his company's amazing origins.

Tying with Hans- Tying the Bomb

For materials visit our Webstore: The…

Tying with Hans- Hans' Spring Soft Hackle

For materials visit our Webstore: This…
Geddeflue - SverigePeter Lyngby

Vintergedder i sydsverige

Melankolsk vinterfiskeri med de bedste fiskevenner... Bland…

Prince Nymph

Tying with Hans- Hydropsyche Caddis Larvae

For materials visit our Webstore: This…

Tanzania Trophy Tiger Fish - what we do to get you to the fish

Searching for the ultimate trophy tiger fishing waters for fly…

Tying with Hans- Split Case PMD Nymph

For materials visit our Webstore: This…

The Go 2 Prince Nymph

Rick Takahashi ties his version of the Prince Nymph. This variation…

Tying with Hans- Killer Mayfly Nymph

For materials visit our Webstore: This…

Tying the RS2

A new updated version of this popular fly. I have deleted the…

Fly Tying with Hans- Tungsten Psycho Nymph

For materials visit our Webstore: This…