Steelheads i Olympic PeninsulaMichael Riis

White Bass and Striper Masterclass with Bill Butts - Ssn. 2, Ep. 7

Bill Butts is a white bass and striper expert who lives in the Ozarks, but is willing to travel around Mid-America chasing his favorite quarry. In one of our most practical (dare I say blue collar) podcasts yet, Bill gives rigging and fishing details.
lille_kutling - havørredfluePeter Lyngby

Lille Kutling

Kutlinger er en vigtig del af havørredens føde, og findes især…
Steelheads i Olympic PeninsulaMichael Riis

Bamboo Confidential with Bernard Ramanauskas - Ssn. 2, Ep. 6

Bernard Ramanauskas is the 36-year-old bamboo guru who recently revitalized Scott Fly Rods' cane shop. Enjoy his cerebral and engaging explanations of bamboo rodmaking at the highest level.
Steelheads i Olympic PeninsulaMichael Riis

Behind the Scenes with Larry Kenney - Ssn. 2, Ep. 5

Larry Kenney describes 1960s San Francisco, when he had a bird's eye view of the founding of the Scott Fly Rod Company and the early development of graphite rods. Don't miss the Streamside Essay 'River X' following the interview!
Steelheads i Olympic PeninsulaMichael Riis

Steelheads i Olympic Peninsula, USA

Du finder hårdt fightende steelheads i 3-5 kilos klassen i naturreservatet…