Laksepremiere i Stjørdalselven

Laksepremiere i Stjørdalelven

Jeg er vadet ud i vand til knæene. Der er stadig 2-3 minutter…
musilnger i rygeovn

Ryger du…?

Det er ikke cigaretter der er tale om, men frisk fisk der skal…
clouser flies

Clousers Flies

Omsider har Bob Clouser selv sat ord på sine legendariske fluer.…
Kalvsjön igenThomas Bengtsson

Texas Tarpon with Capt. Scott Graham - Ssn. 1, Ep. 8

Captain Scott Graham has quickly become the top big tarpon guide in the great state of Texas, and he wows us this week with his stories of 200 pound fish, as well as fills us in on the new techniques of tracking them.
Kalvsjön igenThomas Bengtsson

The Cane Mutiny with Sante Giuliani - Ssn. 1, Ep. 7

Sante Giuliani tells us this week about his own rehabilitation thanks to cane rods, the early days of bamboo manufacture, as well as gives advice on some good bargains for modern collectors and fishermen to look out for.

Guldfasanen - En effektiv havørredflue

Allerede sidste efterår havde Niels have succes med sin nye…

3 sikre nymfer til åen

Når man ved at cirka 80 % af ørredens føde består af insektlarver…
Kalvsjön igenThomas Bengtsson

Så ett frö - Kalvsjön igen

Bläddrar lite förstrött i en för dagen färsk fiskeblaska,…
Kalvsjön igenThomas Bengtsson

Florida Before the Storm with Marshall Cutchin - Ssn. 1, Ep. 6

This week Midcurrent Flyfishing editor Marshall Cutchin shares some memories from the early days of flyfishing in the Florida Keys, as well as offers some of his impressions on the impact of angling over the last twenty five years in those waters.